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Localization is a linguistic and cultural adaptation technique applied to enable a product or a service to be consumed in a country or a region other than the place where it originated from.

Sub-categories of translation such as localization, internationalization or globalization are some techniques that aim to apply necessary linguistic and cultural adaptations to market, to sell and to utilize a product in various target contexts. The best outcome in localization can be reached by the teamwork of experienced linguistic and cultural consultants with translators and editors who are accustomed to the culture and language of target countries. Owing to the effective localizations it has conducted, Diltra has acquired a well-deserved reputation, as it has always worked with translators and editors with proven records of mastery in the relevant language, culture and subject matter.

Localization requires knowledge and experience alongside linguistic and cultural mastery.

This is because localization can only be achieved by teams with creative writing skills who have communicated in the target language and are accustomed to the culture. Diltra’s localization team consists of translators and editors possessing these qualifications. For your localization requests:

Contact Diltra now

Every language has the same meaning with Diltra Translation.